Steampunk’s Politics
People tried to turn steampunk into a political movement. A decade later, I think it’s safe to say the “lighter side” has won out.
Nick Ottens argues punk is dead. Long live steampunk!
World War I in Alternate History
World War I has evolved into a great force beyond human comprehension or modification.
Why World War I is underserved in alternate history: the war without alternative.
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Who Killed Steampunk?
An arrogant attempt to politicize steampunk has driven people away.
Also read Nick’s response to his critics.
The Steampunk Political Guillotine Machine
Rabid political activists in steampunk are in the minority, but they are alienating those of us who used to love the genre.
In Defense of the Lighter Side of Steampunk
There is a place for politics, but let’s not forget what draws steampunk together: fun!