Decades of Hats

A must-have guide to twentieth-century headwear.

Decades of Hats

As the title suggests, this catalogue book is all about hats. Collecting hat ads from the 1900s to the 1970s, it is a marvelous display of the evolution of headwear through the years.

Sadly, as is too often the case with books like these, all pages are in black and white, denying us the color stories behind the designs.

Even in grayscale, the book is pretty amazing if you’re into hats and want to know more which piece was appropriate for which period.

This makes it especially valuable to those wanting to add an era-appropriate look to their outfit. Not just as a guide to thrifting or antique and curiosa shop-combing, but also to which modern reproduction hats can be used for, or modified to fit, a certain era. You’d be surprised how far you can get with a blank bowler or boater, and when a tricorn hat randomly pops up. If you love studying costume history, this book is a must-have for your collection.

If, after reading the book, you feel the mighty need to own a new hat (perfectly understandable) but don’t wish to peruse Etsy and other online sites, we can heartily recommend The Heritage Milliner for all your vintage-style headwear needs.

Decades of Hats pages
Pages in Sue Nightingale’s Decades of Hats: 1900s to the 1970s (2014)

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