James Nichols is an American science-fiction artist who specializes in ufology. Many of his works depict actual UFO stories and myths, from aliens visiting Ancient Egypt to Nazi flying discs to the crash at Roswell to Area 51.
Check out Case Files Revealed: The UFO Art of James Nichols on Google Books for more.

Add YoursI would like to buy some of James’ artwork, where can I find it, or has he made any NFT’s?
I just found a art piece of his.
Where did you find it?
Jim was a dear friend, he passed away almost two years ago from CV-19 , he lives on in his art.
His book with his art is still available on Amazon I think..
– D A McCain
Hello David,
I work at Trident Media Group, and I’m seeking permission to reproduce one of James’ images in one of our clients’ books. Would you please send me an email at strone.assistant@tridentmediagroup.com? Thank you!