The C-mine in Genk, Belgium is a remodeled mining site that is now used for concerts, conferences, exhibition and all sorts of events.
What makes it is the steampunk look and feel of the place. The old machinery is still present in, with handy explanation plaques to accompany it. Visiting C-mine is like walking through a combination of a mining factory from the last century combined with modern creature comforts. And that’s pretty awesome.
C-mine’s visitors complex is regularly accessible, but they don’t always allow photoshoots. So if you want to go there to take beautiful steampunk shots, get in touch with them to find out if it’s possible.
We know photos say more than words, so here are some pictures for you to look at! More pictures here.

In case you’re wondering why there are Tim Burton creatures in some of the photos, C-mine currently hosts The World of Tim Burton. Well worth the visit, by the way. It’s there until the end of November.