Now that the cold weather of the freezing season is upon us, steampunks and dieselpunks can rejoice, because now everyone is finally able to layer without overheating.
And, of course, also wear fabulous coats and winter accessories to top it all off.
Both styles are incredibly varied, and if you have already chosen your favorite type of steam- or dieselpunk then it is just a matter of finding the perfect coat and accessories.
Steampunk aristocrats and other denizens of the Victorian and Belle Époque eras can either get a coat made from period patterns or find a lovely period-inspired or classic coat in high-street shops.
The more contemporary steampunk enthusiast will no doubt be able to find his or her perfect coat in either the same establishments on the shopping streets or in a thrift shop.
The airship pirate can either go hunting for a coat in the urban sprawl or go for a (modernized version of the) traditional pirate coat of yore while the more militaristic steampunk will no doubt find what they are looking for in the better army surplus store.
Dieselpunks are particularly lucky this season, as several designers have send creations fitting of the style down the runway as part of their autumn and winter collections. This means that high-street fashion shops, especially chains, have now a wide range of garments perfect for dieselpunk outfits on their racks, so it is only a piece of the proverbial cake to find the perfect winter coat during a day of shopping and also the ideal time to expand your wardrobe.

Accessories are easy to come by. Hats are generally good for all seasons. If you have none yet, then this is the time to come by one as nearly all the larger shops carry some models. It might take you a day of shopping, but it should not be too hard to find a hat to your liking.
Dieselpunks especially should find this season a blessing for hats from their preferred period, or ones reminiscent thereof, are now in vogue.
Gloves and scarves are not only an excellent addition to your outfit; they are also essential to fight off the often bitter cold. Leather gloves are perfect for the upper-class steam- and dieselpunk of every gender. More rugged ‘punks might prefer knitted hand warmers, possibly combined with gloves.
Scarves also come in all kinds. If you wish to portray a member of the establishment, then make sure to go for a fine knit, because it looks a lot more distinguished. Gentlemen will find that a traditional plain scarf works best while ladies will likely prefer the lace-like knits.
‘Punks adhering to other styles will probably prefer rougher knits. You could even get a knitted plaid (blanket) and cut that up into a lovely fraying accessory perfect for your own personal style or simply drape it, taking advantage of its hugeness to provide extra warmth and that special touch to your outfit.
Of course, there are many other accessories typical for winter, such as legwarmers, woolen shrugs and vests, which can all be added to your outfit as you deem appropriate.
So, as you see, winter really does offer plenty of opportunities for an absolutely splendid outfit for steampunk and dieselpunk enthusiasts alike — no matter your style and budget.
This story first appeared in Gatehouse Gazette 4 (January 2009), p. 11-12, with the headline “The Steampunk Wardrobe: Winter Fashion”.